LinkedIn partners with the National League of Cities to give workers access to higher education and job opportunities

At LinkedIn, our vision is to create economic opportunity for every member of the global workforce. One of the ways we do that is by sharing economic insights we have with workers, government leaders, employers, and educators via initiatives like our monthly Workforce Report. We also bring to life research and pilot projects that help leaders understand and address the future of the global workforce.

That’s why we’re excited to share that LinkedIn and the National League of Cities are working together and in so doing, have partnered with the Kresge Foundation to help strengthen six cities’ economies by ensuring residents have access to higher education and employment.

The six cities participating in the pilot cohort are Austin, Texas; Charleston, South Carolina; Corpus Christi, Texas; Houston, Texas; Jacksonville, Florida; and Nashville, Tennessee.

We’ve given more than 50 cities across the globe (including New YorkTorontoManchesterStockholmAmsterdam, and Seattle/Vancouver) our economic insights — like whether hiring is in the city is up or down; which skills workers have and employers need most, and the gap between the two; and how many people are moving in and out of cities, and what their skills are. We’ll offer the six cities involved in this pilot the same types of insights, which they can use to re-shape education and training to help workers develop the skills required to get the jobs of today, and tomorrow.

The outcomes of our work in these six cities will be shared nationally to help other cities explore sustainable solutions for their own local communities and economies. So stay tuned, there’s more to come!

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